Your corporate strategy requires careful and consistent execution

to achieve expected results. 

Good execution was challenging enough in the context of stable business models that could rely on well-oiled processes and relative status quo. It has become exponentially more challenging as it now demands embracing change proactively. Radical and fast-paced change that is, to drive innovation, integrate and leverage new technologies, acquire and merge businesses, anticipate and address all stakeholders’ needs and expectations, and stay ahead of direct and adjacent competition. 

What has not changed is that there is still only 24 hours in a day, and you do not have unlimited resources.

This is where our focused and rigorous approach comes into play:
• First, we engage with your Executive Team to rapidly align on your business objectives and priorities.
• We then define/confirm together specific metrics – Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – that will measure the effect of disciplined execution towards achieving your prioritized objectives.
• Supported by our web-based data analytics, we arm your management teams with state-of-the-art technology to self-direct positive behavior change and to track collective performance improvements across key functions and business units.

Our high-touch, user-friendly methodology and tools not only translate your strategy into daily action, but they also activate your untapped cohesive potential, triggering remarkable initial results within a few months.


Bigger is better. Or not. In the current and foreseeable future's global socio-economic environment, underpinned by fundamental changes in demographic trends and technology driven innovation, traditional business models face a new set of challenges to keep generating profitable growth.

How to arbitrate between volume (size, scale) and value (shareholder's return) growth? Expand the business by conquering new markets? Introduce new products? Grow organically or via mergers & acquisitions? Focus on core competencies or diversify? Bank on vertical integration or go for "horizontal" synergies across the business portfolio?

We help our clients reflect on these questions, analyze strategic options, decide on the most desirable direction, and develop a thorough and systematic execution plan to deliver tangible and sustainable business improvements.


To quote Paul Krugman, winner of the Nobel prize in economics: "Productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it is almost everything". This powerful statement made more than 20 years ago resonates as true today in a context of slower economic growth, widespread over capacity, and under-utilized assets across many sectors.

Optimizing total productivity goes beyond securing the best assets and rightsizing them. The key to optimizing ROA is to unleash the multiplier effect that comes from managing effectively how these assets interact and leverage each other.

When we work with our clients on increasing productivity - the measure of return on assets employed - we take on all classes of assets; not just physical assets like buildings, equipment, and machinery, but also financial assets, human capital, technology, and intellectual capital. This requires cross-functional and cross-Business Unit teamwork.


Nobody disputes that the most important asset of any enterprise is its people. And not just those at the top.

The dearth of leadership is widely debated as the single most important factor that hampers business results. Literature and professional service offerings abound to help remedy this major challenge in our new-age economy: enabling and capturing greater return on talent. 

Talent development has become a hot commodity served by extensive corporate training programs, a plethora of third-party offerings, and ubiquitous online sources of wisdom. We posit that talent productivity requires a holistic and systematic approach from leadership advisory to executive coaching and team skills development in order to support organization alignment and achieve greater return on human capital. Our process builds on your strengths to accelerate results.